Friday, August 27, 2010

Wow I have been MIA on blogspot for the summer. I apologize to my 4 followers! sorry sorry sorry from the bottom of my cold heart. here's a pretty photo to let you know that I will be around more often. enjoy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


5 pretty pictures.

My 5 pretty pictures blog posts always seem to make my day. As you all know I live for inspiration.. makes sense, right? I do love to inspire others in one way or another. SO I hope my posts make your day just as much as they makes mine. kisses & hugs.

ps. the first photo was taken in Cuba.

xo aksana

I got carrie-d away and maybe a little too excited..

I got a chance to watch Sex And The City 2 this past weekend (on sunday to be exact) ... and alls I gotta say is that it was wonderful! Loooved it so much. A lot better than the first actually!
Even though I will be purchasing both movies.. as well as the dvd seasons! I REALLY need to get into the show asap! I was too young and impressionable when the show started...
so don't blame me! haha
I recommend everyone go watch it NOW.

xo aksana.

Monday, May 31, 2010

5 pretty pictures.

It's Monday... M O N D A Y.
I hate Monday's. Therefore I need to remind myself that their are beautiful things in the world to keep me pumped and inspired.

xo aksana

Saturday, May 29, 2010


katy, katy, katy PERRY.
what a babe!
love everything about this gurl.
well, what's not to love? right?
om nom nom.
enjoy these photos, cause she's great!

xo aksana

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5 pretty pictures.

Hope everyone's having an incredible week... I sure am! Although I could do without the rain. I am sooo excited for the weekend ahead of me. Will post pics. Take care!
xo aksana

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Christian Orthodox.

Beautiful Orthodox churches from all around the world.
Thought I'd just share a little bit of my faith with you all. Enjoy!

Click on images to see full size! (Source: Deviant Art)

-xoxo, aksana.