Dear husband,
I don't know you yet, but I know you're out there somewhere.. probably with the wrong girl. I just can't wait till the day I meet you, I know the Lord will show me you're the right one... with prayer of course. I love you already, and I think about you all the time. What are you like? What do you look like? I promise you I will be the best wife, I will be loyal to you, I will love you with all my might, I will care for you. I will also expect things from you, I will expect you to love me with all YOUR might, and that you will always defend and fight for me, that you will be a good father and that you will always be honest with me. I will do things for you and I expect you to do things for me in return. We will be partners in crime, and so in love. I will save myself for you, and I will cherish every moment I spend with you. I will still be in love with you when we're old and grey and I expect you to be an uber cool gramps with the grand-children! We will go to church every sunday, have 3 kids and adopt 1. I pray that you stay safe out there without me... or at least till the day we meet. I promise to always protect you and follow anywhere your jobs take us.. with that said, i will always support you. Husband of mine, I'm waiting for you, I love you and I'll be seeing you soon.
Your beloved wife, Aksana.
*To those of you that did not fully understand my letter, I am not married, this letter is meant to be written or written about my (future) husband. I just feel so strongly about my one and only (in all aspects) so I decided to write this letter. Inspired by Verlynn, who too wrote a letter to her husband on her blog. http://verlynnsdiary.tumblr.com/ *
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