This morning, around 9 am, my father and I went out for breakfast and coffee. I don't spend a lot of one on one time with my dad, mainly because he works a lot, and if he's off my mum is usually around. I guess i got pretty lucky to spend some father daughter time with him, and I loved every minute of it. My dad is an amazing person, our family has always relied on him to be the core, he keeps us together, & he really is my hero. Today we spoke a lot about how he was raised and how terrible his upbringing was, it was one of the very few times i have seen him super vulnerable, teary eyed even. I'm surprised he turned out the way he did, he is seriously like the ugly duckling of his family, minus the 'ugly' part. Aside from the terrible things he's gone through, he was able to come out of that with so much strength... he moved away and created a life for himself, met my mother, and had two pretty cool kids. I always thought that when something bad ever happened or we fought that it was the worst, the worst from any family out there. Truthfully It's not even close, I am very privileged to have such a great dad, even if he's grumpy, or stressed, he is still perfect the way he is, and i suppose our conversation today made me realize it. I love him terribly, and I'm pretty positive he's super dad, or close enough... Well, whether he is the most amazing super hero dad out there, or just a hardworking loving father, I'm grateful to have a papa I can call my best friend.
-xoxo, aksana.
[ dad's on left.. and when he was little he had blonde huurrr :) ]
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