Getting inspired gets me really giddy.
Here are a few photos that I found online that cheer me up.
So much fun! :)
1. Jade Nails & Zebra Ring are an A+ in my book!! I waant!

2. I love lots of lighting in a house..
unfortunately my room lacks windows & lighting.
I really like those huge windows.. & the red curtain is lovely.

3. Just love her dress!
Florals are great for the Spring, so get ready!
The photo itself is very pretty as well. :)

4. Gimme gimme! Shoes + leggings are soo adorbs! I waaant!

5. Lovely! A chandelier hanging off a tree is always nice, I'm sure. :P

6.Betcha anything this is in London!
This would be my ideal apartment with the 'hubby',
& I bet it's sooo nice inside!

7.Need a bike this summer!
Every year I tell myself that I would get a bike (Cruiser, perhaps vintage?),
this year I actually need to do it! The girly is pretty too :)

8. OH, the things I would give up to be by the Ocean right now.
Thankfully I don't have to give up much, accept for some cash.
Will be in Cuba in about 2 months!

-xoxo, aksana