Monday, May 31, 2010

5 pretty pictures.

It's Monday... M O N D A Y.
I hate Monday's. Therefore I need to remind myself that their are beautiful things in the world to keep me pumped and inspired.

xo aksana

Saturday, May 29, 2010


katy, katy, katy PERRY.
what a babe!
love everything about this gurl.
well, what's not to love? right?
om nom nom.
enjoy these photos, cause she's great!

xo aksana

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5 pretty pictures.

Hope everyone's having an incredible week... I sure am! Although I could do without the rain. I am sooo excited for the weekend ahead of me. Will post pics. Take care!
xo aksana

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Christian Orthodox.

Beautiful Orthodox churches from all around the world.
Thought I'd just share a little bit of my faith with you all. Enjoy!

Click on images to see full size! (Source: Deviant Art)

-xoxo, aksana.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

If I Were..

If I were a month, I’d be June.

If I were a day of the week, I’d be Saturday.

If I were a time of day, I’d be Noon.

If I were a planet, I’d be Saturn.

If I were a sea animal, I’d be a Dolphin.

If I were a direction, I’d be West.

If I were a piece of furniture, I’d be a Couch.

If I were a liquid, I’d be Water.

If I were a gemstone, I’d be Pyrite.

If I were a tree, I’d be a Poplar Tree.

If I were a tool, I’d be a Plane.

If I were a flower, I’d be an Orchid.

If I were a kind of weather, I’d be Sunshine.

If I were a musical instrument, I’d be a Harp.

If I were a color, I’d be Blue (like the Caribbean Sea).

If I were an emotion, I’d be Love.

If I were a fruit, I’d be a Mango.

If I were a sound, I’d be the sound of hard rain.

If I were an element, I’d be Water.

If I were a car, I’d be a Volkswagen Beetle.

If I were a food, I’d be Rice.

If I were a place, I’d be a bakery.

If I were a material, I’d be Silk.

If I were a taste, I’d be Sweet.

If I were a scent, I’d be Fruity Papaya.

If I were an object, I’d be a Victorian Tea Cup .

If I were a body part, I’d be the Eyes.

If I were a facial expression, I’d be a smile.

If I were a song, I’d be Let It Go - Luba.

If I were a pair of shoes, I’d be a Gladiator Sandal.

-xoxo, aksana.

via Lemon Soda