Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


5 pretty pictures.

My 5 pretty pictures blog posts always seem to make my day. As you all know I live for inspiration.. makes sense, right? I do love to inspire others in one way or another. SO I hope my posts make your day just as much as they makes mine. kisses & hugs.

ps. the first photo was taken in Cuba.

xo aksana

I got carrie-d away and maybe a little too excited..

I got a chance to watch Sex And The City 2 this past weekend (on sunday to be exact) ... and alls I gotta say is that it was wonderful! Loooved it so much. A lot better than the first actually!
Even though I will be purchasing both movies.. as well as the dvd seasons! I REALLY need to get into the show asap! I was too young and impressionable when the show started...
so don't blame me! haha
I recommend everyone go watch it NOW.

xo aksana.